“No Perfect Places” by Steven Salvatore

No Perfect Places by Steven Salvatore book cover: purple and orange lake in the foreground with island of trees, against purple mountains and an orange sky with a sun in the upper right corner, title in perspective towards sun

Family secrets collide with coming of age in Steven Salvatore’s “No Perfect Places”

Last year we introduced our readers to nonbinary author Steven Salvatore with the beautiful YA novel "And They Lived...."  This year they have a new novel out, "No Perfect Places", exploring grief and the effects of incarceration on the children of those incarcerated.

Olly and Alex Brucke are teenage twins living in a lake resort town in Upstate New York. They used to be "have it all" so to speak, but when their father went to jail for embezzlement and fraud, their lives fell apart. When we meet them, their mother is working multiple jobs to make ends meet, and they're living in a small apartment the next town over from the beautiful lakeside house they grew up in. But at least they have each other? That is...until their father dies unexpectedly in prison.


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